Think of a time when you were totally baffled by God.
How He used something
or you, when He didn’t act how you wanted Him to, when His timing was so far
from what you expected.
I was reading a scripture passage our pastor used in his
sermon, and I was confused by it. Why on earth is this in scripture? It’s
Genesis 38. It’s like this pause, a weird segue thing in the middle of the
story of Joseph being sold into captivity by his brothers.
I prayed and asked God why this was in scripture. I wanted
to understand.
As I read and re-read, I saw the little markings for the
cross-referencing in the rest of scripture and that’s where I found my answer.
Just to offer a small recap of the story in Genesis 38,
Judah, one of Joseph’s brother, has some sons. He gets a wife (Tamar) for the eldest
son, and for reasons unspecified other than he was wicked, he dies prematurely
before a family has been started. According to their culture, the next
available brother was supposed to marry her and give her children on behalf of
the deceased brother. Tamar went through 2 of Judah’s sons and they died
because of wicked reasons, so Judah wouldn’t give her any other sons, and
promised to marry her to one that was yet to grow up. Tamar went to live as a
widow with her family until that boy grew up. She was never sought after by
Judah as he promised. So Tamar decided to trick Judah into getting her pregnant (yes, her father-in-law) by posing as a prostitute…. clearly she knew he’d come after her because of
past behavior. She not only tricked him but gained proof that it was him who
impregnated her to protect herself from getting stoned. Later she gives birth
to twin boys. Perez and Zerah.
If you are like me, you read stories like these and wonder
what God is trying to say. I believe God. I believe what His word says is true.
I also believe that everything in it is inspired and meant to be. So with that….
what do we do with this story?
The little cross-reference letters lead me to Ruth 4:12 and
Matthew 1:3. Come to find out, Perez is directly in the line of…drum roll
please…. Jesus! So this story of
crazy deaths, lies, deception, prostitution, even incest… this baby named Perez
is born and he’s a name in history that leads to Boaz, then later to King
David…. And much later Joseph, the
adoptive father of Jesus.
So just to be clear, the incredible acts that God goes to in
the story of Jesus, outrageous choices of people to be used in the family line
of His Anointed Son who becomes the Savior of the world is meant to teach us
something. There’s only one of those things I am going to latch onto today.
That thing is God uses anyone and everyone, and whomever He pleases.
YOU are not disqualified.
Here are some characters in Christ’s line:
Abraham- lied
about having a wife twice, forced the promise from God about a son by sleeping
with wife’s maid because he didn’t believe God’s timing (Genesis chapters 12,
Jacob- received his father’s blessing
by trickery, cheating his brother out of his birthright, lied on a regular
basis. (Genesis 27)
Judah- his story is above.
(Genesis 38)
Rahab- prostitute turned spy-hider for
the Israelite army, had a baby named Boaz. (Joshua 2)
David the King-had a baby with
Bathsheba (the one he committed adultery with and murdered her husband) named Solomon.
(2 Samuel 11-12)
Solomon- the man who was gifted with
supernatural wisdom, disobeyed God and married lots of foreign women (700 to be
exact) and they brought their foreign gods and idols with them into the
kingdom. He built idols to them. (1 Kings 11)
There continued to be King after King that
did not follow the Lord and would lead the whole country in disobedient idol
worship and sacrifices. Many ordinary sinners and some very sordid tales. All
this leads up to Joseph, to whom Mary is betrothed to.
Yes, all of the lineage
leads to Jesus’ adoptive father.
THAT is how God fulfills the prophecy that Christ would come
from the line of King David!
This is why we read the boring genealogies. For these
nuggets of amazing grace. These stories are real people like us that had real
struggles, incredible disobedience, short spurts of doing the right thing then
falling back into the sin pit.
What is the takeaway?
Just this- I know of a God in heaven who loves His wayward
people so much and chooses in His sovereign way to use them. He allows us the
privilege to get the experience of being used by Him. It’s a gift to us, it’s a
grace. He doesn’t have to. He created everything by speaking it into
existence in 6 days, why on earth would He need us for anything?
It’s because we are His beloved creation, made in His image,
the apple of His eye, each and every one of us! He has been to the beginning of
time and all the way to the end of time and back again, He knows all of time
and knows our paths. He knows where He wants to use us, how He wants to bless
us and exactly the moment that we’ll realize that we got to participate in His
amazing story He’s writing. The story of us…mankind, His beloved that He sent
Jesus to die for.
- So no matter who you are
- How small you feel
- How damaged you are
- The past actions of your life
- Or current disobedience you find yourself in
It’s not over! It’s not too late! God loves to use us
because of the blessing it is for us! He cherishes you so much that He wants to
see that moment when you have recognition of His love for you!
The other reason He uses us broken down humans is because it
magnifies His glory that much more! We are here to bring Him glory and when He
works through the broken clay pots that we are, it’s such a bright light that
shines through the cracks in the pot that there is no other answer of what it
is, but God!