Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Life Creative- a book review

A Mother’s natural bent toward creativity doesn’t just wither and die with the birth of a child.This core component remains a part of her intricate design”
~ From Life Creative written by Wendy Speake and Kelli Stuart ~

When I saw the opportunity to be a part of this book launch for Life Creative by Wendy Speake and Kelli Stuart, I had no idea what a blessing to my creative soul it would be!

I had not understood nor claimed my way of doing things as my expression of creativity. It was just my experience and a way of life to me. This book helped me recognize the creativity the Lord has invested in my soul and that I ought to not only embrace what He gave me, but use it to do great things that point others to Him.

“God can use your creative bent to bend others to the cross”

“The Master created us as masterpieces, 
that we might create masterpieces 
to reflect the Master”

The authors speak about “the dark ages” of motherhood. Any mom can relate to this description. We have all looked at the mundane chores of changing innumerable diapers, potty training a stubborn child, sleepless nights rocking a sick toddler, and always trying to answer the never ending question of “what’s for dinner” and wondered if this is all there is. These ladies have taken that season in life and highlighted it this way:

“Worship isn’t something we do at church with 
heads bowed. Worship is a chin-up, face-forward 
thing to do.”

“From the moment you pull yourself out of bed until your head hits the pillow again, you’re met with countless opportunities to worship.”

Scripture tells us to do everything to the glory of God in I Corinthians 10:31. Motherhood is the sacred, holy calling of raising little warriors for Jesus. The way we chose to use our creativity that God placed within us expresses our gratitude to Him and teaches our children to glorify God with what you’ve got in your hand. We spend our time longing for someone else’s life, someone else’s calling or someone else’s experiences. Each one of us has been created as an Image Bearer of the greatest Creator there is! He loved us so much, He didn’t just create us individually, but God placed His personal mark on each of us in unique ways to mirror Himself. We have to stop discounting the reflection of God in our soul!

“You are also forever learning to be an artisan. As your art moves with you in and out of different seasons, it naturally changes. Together, you grow – the art and the artist- as you master your skill set, comprehending the message you want your art to convey. There is always so much work to be done.

Nearly 20 years ago, when I became a mother, creativity was still foreign to me. I had dreams. Dreams of decorating my home beautifully, being the best cook and baker for my family, writing my heart, singing out my heart, and leading others to Christ. Over the years, my personality has changed, my list of to-dos has changed, and my ability to create has changed. Through reading Life Creative, I have rediscovered the creativity God has placed in my heart and it has borne a new feeling of gratitude for who He made me to be.

“These mothering moments are consecrated acts of worship, presented to the Lord with the same heart that beats behind your Sunday dress as you belt out a solo or teach the story of David and Goliath to a roomful of 5-year-olds. By acknowledging the tasks that He places before you, and faithfully attending to each one, you live life worshipfully.”

“Cleaning dirty floors, painting empty canvases, folding loads of laundry, penning lyrics to the music that swirls in your head- worshiping, working, serving, laboring… All of this is sacred Renaissance worship.

I couldn’t say it better myself. All of these quotes from the chapters of this book bless my heart and continue to point my line of vision to Jesus, and isn’t that supposed to be the entire point of life here on earth? To glorify God with everything we do?

I am very grateful to have come in contact with these women, Wendy and Kelli, and witness their testimony of living Life Creative, pointing others to Jesus with the creative work of their souls. What an honor to get to promote something that bears the fruit of a worshipful expression of renaissance mothering.

You need to make it a priority to get this book. You can find it on Amazon

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